Count your blessings

In 4 days time, it will be the end of 2014 and 2015 will make way for a new year.  Every year, people tend to make New Years resolutions, and sometimes these resolutions end up failing a month in to the new year. The thing is , if you really want to make a change for yourself, you can make that change now, you don’t have to wait for 2015 to come along and become “the new you”. All you need is motivation and a long time goal to push yourself towards. Resolutions are rules and rules most of the time get broken, so learn to keep going in terms of what you have now.  I stopped making resolutions when I realised I can  just take each day as it goes, and find new ways to live life a better way.
For some reason, I am always surprised that a lot can happen in a year,but I can say for certain , I am not the same person that I was back in January. In fact, December 2014 me, would have punched January 2014 me for being such a naive person.
Look back from the beginning of 2014 to now and notice every little aspect that led you to this point of your journey. Appreciate everything and count your blessings because the fact that you are still alive is a still an achievement. Wherever your year has been good or your year had major struggles and was bad , notice what you have now, and through that you can take hold of that and make your goals tenfold for the new year. Success is learning from the past and bringing in to the present and future. This way, you will know that opportunity will come along.  A new year is always going to be scary and with every step you’ll be taking , you will be walking blindfolded , there will be road blocks ahead but take baby steps and life will slowly bloom.
At the beginning of the year, my motto in life was “Just go for it” and it worked. Despite how scary things looked and my lack of confidence , I took those words and held them tightly. I took every opportunity and chance to where it led me to now.
And now at the end of 2014? I’ve learnt that I’m not second best and never will be.
So keep living with hope and adventure. You can achieve more than you can because 2014 will be gone, and there will always be new chances every day.

Happy New Year.


Taken from a shop window somewhere between Leicester Square and Covent Garden.

– Sarah Tsang

Count your blessings